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The relationship between solder wire and fuse?

Views : 237
Update time : 2022-09-27 16:41:38
In the solder industry, the questions asked by customers are really ever-changing. One customer asked whether solder wire and fuse can be mixed. What is the relationship between the two? Is there any difference? We also searched for this question. Here are some relevant information to share with you:
The composition of leaded solder wire is an alloy of tin and lead. The proportion of tin and lead is different, and the melting point of the solder wire is also different; the melting point of lead-free solder wire and the temperature required for welding are also different.
A fuse made of lead-antimony alloy with a relatively high resistivity and a low melting point is called a fuse. A fuse is also called a fuse, and the IEC127 standard defines it as a "fuse-link". 
The difference between fuse and solder wire:
one. From the composition point of view: the solder wire is made of tin-lead alloy, and the fuse is made of lead-antimony alloy.
one. On the surface: fuses are darker in color, and solder wire suppliers are brighter.
two. From the degree of softness and strength: the fuse is relatively soft. Although the solder wire is soft, the solder wire feels a little harder.
three. Analysis from the melting point: the fuse is a high melting point metal product material (lead product), the melting point is about 327 degrees. But the melting point of the solder wire is generally between 183-250 degrees. So the solder wire is easily melted.
If the melting point of the solder is lower, then it cannot be used as the inspection wire, because the solder may not be separated at high temperature, and may stick together due to the lack of flux such as rosin. So, as a last resort, don't use solder as a fuse.